Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Fyra kvinnor är pristagare av årets Augustpris 2016

På måndag den 28:e november delades årets Augustpris ut på konserthuset i Stockholm. Fyra kvinnor är pristagare i år. Priset är i tre kategorier: Årets svenska skönlitterära bok, Årets svenska fackbok och Årets svenska barn- och ungdomsbok. Vinnarna får 100 000 kr i varje kategori och en bronsstatyett av konstnären Mikael Fare. Dessutom delades Lilla Augustpriset ut. Vinnaren får 15 000 kr.

Alla de nominerade titlarna, (18 nominerade böcker) blev presenterade. Presentationerna gjordes av kunniga läsare som gav en kort presentation om boken.  Niklas Strömstedt var Augustgalans konferencier.
Många deltog på galan bland annat författare, bokhandlare, bibliotekarier, förläggare, litteraturkritiker, mm.
Augustpriset delas ut av Svenska Förläggareföreningen i samarbet men Postnord och Elite E Hotels.

GRATTIS TILL VINNARNA av det prestigefyllda litterära priset Augustpriset.
Photo Credit Sofia Sanchez
Lilla Augustpriset har tilldelats, Då rallarrosen blommar, Sigrid Nikka, Höllviken
Då rallarrosen blommar är en finstämd berättelse som lågmält och trovärdigt låter oss följa en kvinnas oväntade uppbrott under en svunnen tid. Där finns också kärleken till Tom, kantad av oro och vånda i en vardag där tidens gång är påtaglig. En välskriven text med vacker gestaltning, rytmiskt språk och omvälvande känslor.
Årets svenska fackbok
Gutenberggalaxens nova. En essäberättelse om Erasmus av Rotterdam, humanismen och 1500-talets medierevolution,Nina Burton, Albert Bonniers Förlag
Han var västvärldens förste bästsäljare, en flitigt nätverkande humanist som med boktryckarkonsten byggde broar mellan religion och vetenskap. I en fantasieggande berättelse får vi följa den litterära stjärnan Erasmus av Rotterdam under 1500-talets medierevolution i Europa. Med ett livfullt språk ges en historielektion med perspektiv på vår egen tid.
Tio över ett, Ann-Helén Laestadius, Rabén & Sjögren
I Kiruna ställer Maja klockan på tio över ett varje natt, lagom till de nattliga gruvsprängningarna. Hon måste kunna rädda familjen om det värsta skulle hända och allting rasar. Ann-Helén Laestadius ungdomsroman är en berättelse om att gå runt med en konstant rädsla för att tillvaron ska rämna. Det handlar om sorgen inför en bygd i förändring, om samhällsengagemang och kommunalpolitik, men också om nära vänskap och kärlek. Med driv i språket flätar Laestadius samman plats, politik och psykologi.

Årets svenska skönlitterära bok
De polyglotta älskarna, Lina Wolff, Albert Bonniers Förlag
”Jag är trettiosex år gammal och söker en öm, men inte alltför öm man.” Ellinors kontaktannons leder henne till en överflödig litteraturkritiker med våldstendenser. Det är upprinnelsen till en flerskiktad, uppkäftig och intrikat saga för vuxna. Wolff gestaltar könens överordning och underordning, sexuella maktspel, svek och kärlekslängtan. Men allra mest handlar det om det mångspråkiga, det polyglotta som en förutsättning för den mänskliga existensen.

Bilder från Augustprisets ceremony
 Niklas Strömstedt
 Eva Gedin
Svenska Förläggareföreningen
Alice Bah Kunhke


Friday, November 25, 2016

Película documental "El Hombre de Snåsa" realizada por la directora Margreth Olin

La película El Hombre de Snåsa, en español "Haciendo el Bien" es un documental sobre Joralf Gjerstad, conocido como “el hombre de Snåsa”. Durante los últimos 65 años miles de personas han viajado a Snåsa, Noruega con la esperanza de obtener ayuda para curar sus enfermedades. La cineasta Margreth Olin hace una documentación sobre las sesiones de curación de Joralf Gjerstad con 22 nuevos pacientes. 
La película nos muestra los encuentros que los pacientes tienen con el curandero. En este documental nos encontramos con personas que sufren de diferentes enfermedades, depresiones, etc. Se puede decir que este documental sobre El hombre de Snåsa es una película que nos narra la importancia de tener una esperanza en la vida para poder seguir adelante.  Los pacientes llegan a Snåsa con el objetivo de encontrar alivio a sus enfermedades. 
Es una película llena de sentimientos y esperanza. Durante 98 minutos la directora Margreth Olin nos presenta los encuentros de Joralf Gjerstad con sus pacientes, la manera de su método de curación y las conversaciones llena de mucha ternura del Hombre de Snåsa con los pacientes. 
Los pacientes que encuentra en este documental son personas que no había encontrado antes, trata de ayudarles tratando de encontrar la razón de la enfermedad. Es una película documental que nos narra la vida de estos pacientes, sus enfermedas, sufrimientos y la esperanza de un día estar sano y vivir su vida normal. 
Es un documental que se puede decir tiene como tema la esperanza y ser curados para asi poder disfrutar la vida como todos. Es una película sentimental, con mucho amor y solidaridad. La ternura del hombre de Snåsa, el amor a su esposa y la relación con sus pacientes. 
La directora nos muestra esta película con excelente fotografía de la naturaleza y el ambiente alrededor de la vida de Joralf Gjerstad. La naturaleza como parte de la vida humana. Es un documental muy bueno. 

Margreth Olin es una excelente directora noruega y ha realizado otros documentales, entre ellos tenemos Los Otros (2013), Mi cuerpo (2002), etc.   
La película tiene su estreno el día de hoy 25 de noviembre en los cinemas suecos y es distribuida por Folkets bio. 

Betyg 4**** av 5 

Título : El hombre de Snåsa
Dirección: Margreth Olin
Guion: Margareth Olin
Producción: Margareth Olin
Protagonista: Joralf Gjerstad
Fotografia: Oystein Mamen, Mathias Biber
Pais: Noruega, 98 minutos

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Winners at the 27th Stockholm International Film Festival

All the winners at the 27 Stockholm International Film Festival. The Award ceremony was on nomvember 18th at Dance house in Stockholm. 

Photo credit Sofia Sanchez
Best film: Godless by Ralitza Petrova
The prize for Best Film goes to an astonishing masterpiece. This is filmmaking of the highest order and marks the arrival of a new great within cinema. A film that will forever live in the hearts and minds of viewers. It is a true work of art and, simply put, is one of the finest films ever made. Best film goes to Ralitza Petrova’s Godless.

Best first film: Sand Storm by Elite Zexer
An important film told with great authenticity and compassion, cinema and the world at large has a new and exciting voice with this film maker. The prize for Best First Film goes to Elite Zexer for her wonderful and wildly poignant Sand Storm.
Best director: Johnny Ma for Old Stone
In the wildly engaging and painfully relevant film, talent of the highest order is shown in full display. The prize for Best Director goes to Johnny Ma for Old Stone.

Best script: Johnny Ma for Old Stone
This script with marked intelligence, one man’s descent brilliantly unfolds in this important and terse moral thriller. The prize for Best Script goes to Johnny Ma for Old Stone.

Best cinematography: Andrei Butica for Dogs
Photographed with incredible restraint and a clear mastery of both artistry and craft, the Director of Photography clearly delivers some of cinema’s finest cinematography. The prize for Best Cinematography goes to Andrei Butica for his cinematography of Dogs. 

Best actress: Irena Ivanova, Godless
In this beautiful portray of a struggling woman we follow all her moves with suspense. The actress makes an incredible interpretation, which leaves the viewer almost thinking that she is living the life of her character for real, and we believe every expression that she gives us. Thanks to the her performance, we get a greater insight into the life of a vulnarable person in a corrupt society. The prize for Best Actress goes to Irena Ivanova for her work in Godless. 

Best actor: Kévin Azaïs, A Taste of Ink
In this great debut film, we follow a remarkable portray of a young man’s struggle of finding peace with his father. This actor dares to show his most fragile sides in a vulnerable and clear way. He shines in all frames och carries the film through and through. This is an actor we want to see more of. The prize for Best Actor goes to Kévin Azaïs for his incredible work in A Taste of Ink. 

Best documentary: Hooligan Sparrow by Nanfu Wang
Not long ago, filmmaking was exclusive for the privileged. Thanks to new technology some few rare talent are able cross the barrier of the establishment and create a fantastic film. In a world speeding into nationalism and corruption we have an opportunity to meet a daring group of women standing up against a system that perpetuate sexual abuse on women and children. With a organic closeness and compassion to subject, seldom seen in the art of film, we are happy to reward Best Documentary to the remarkable achievement of Nanfu Wang with the fantastic film Hooligan Sparrow. 

Stockholm Impact Award: Wayne Roberts for Katie Says Goodbye
Katie Says Goodbye is a sensitive, layered and complex, coming of age story of a young American girl. The film displays a clearly female sensitive gaze, without sensationalizing Katie’s heart breaking story. It shows us the complexity of human nature and people and relationships, be they women or men, without judgment. The cinematic style of the film is fresh and subtle, and the performance of Olivia Cooke as Katie is compelling. It leaves you experiencing the innocence, the darkness, the vulnerability and the strength of the lovable Katie. It is a startlingly brave portrayal of a young woman. Through its sensitive handling of the politics of what it means for a woman to have agency over her own body, it challenges age old stereotypes of women. 

Best short film: Imago by Raymund Ribay Gutierrez
For the main prize, the film that stood out was for its raw fly-on-the-wall imagery, gripping story, and its roller coaster sense of morality. This film showed us a world we had never seen before, and some of its shocking imagery will stay with us for a long time. The winner of this year's short film competition is: Imago by Raymund Ribay Gutierrez. 

Stockholm Rising Star: Filip Berg
Rising Star 2016 is awarded to a young actor that can easily connect with the audience. He portrays his characters with openness, vulnerability and curiosity – his competence impresses, which has been perceived by the audience in his home country as well as internationally. A ”sharp” actor, with a clear bright future at the screen. 

FIPRESCI best film: American Honey by Andrea Arnold
A depiction of being young amongst a mid-western society. With an incredible soundtrack the film perfectly captures hope amongst hopelessness. This years International Critics Prize goes to American Honey by Andrea Arnold. 

Stockholm Lifetime Achievement Award: Francis Ford Coppola
This year’s Stockholm Lifetime Achievement Award winner is one of the greatest directors of our time. His films encapsulate their own era with perfect authenticity, yet remain equally relevant today. From Don Corleone’s epic and corrupt family enterprise, through the dangers of the surveillance society to the apocalyptic wars of the west, his prophetic images and powerful stories have defined cinema for generations. Forever will they provide a common language and inspiration for cinephiles all over the world. 

Stockholm Visionary Award: François Ozon
This year’s winner of the Stockholm Visionary Award is the subversive and distinctly poetic François Ozon. With stylistic flair and precision, Ozon is a true master at looking into our inner, always with his trademark dark satire and an introspective looking glass that is passed on to the audience during the course of the film. The 2016 Stockholm Visionary Award goes to François Ozon. 

1 km film-scholarship: Frida Kempff, Dear Kid
This year’s 1 km film scholarship goes to a director who believes in the power of the image, her scenes achieve a fine balance between mystery and emotion. Small details in her film bear great importance, the observant viewer is rewarded with complex characters undergoing a stormy inner drama.

Festival Award: Trial and Error by Antje Heyn
Voted for by the 2015 Stockholm Film Festival audience. 

Photos från the award 2016