Thursday, August 1, 2019

Stockholm Pride park opening ceremony 2019 - Artists, speakers, musicians at the opening.

Tonight it was the opening ceremony at Stockholm Pride park at Östermalm´s IP. During the opening ceremony participated speakers, artists, musicians, etc,  The president of Stockholm Pride Vix Viktoria Herjeryd was one of the speakers. Yolanda Aurora Bohm Ramirez leaded the evening. "We are needed" was chosen as the theme for Stockholm Pride 2019.

Photo credit Sofia Sanchez
Vik Viktoria Herjeryd
Stancy Lentz, co.owner ot the Stonewall inn in New York
There the pride movement started for 50 years ago

Yolanda Aurora Bohm Ramirez
Jon Voss, CEO of QX publishing

Photos from the opening of the Pride Park
Julie Douhane
Honorary prize from FPES(Asociation for transgender People)

Julie Douhane


Cherry Wilder


Melanie Wehbe

Opening of the champagne bar in the park
Saga Becker, actress

Vik Viktoria Herjeryd and Saga Becker

Happy Pride!

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