Sunday, April 22, 2012

A Poem to the Earth : A Confession

The nature in Palacagüina, Nicaragua
Photo; Sofia Sanchez

By Sofía Sánchez
(The original is in spanish)

You have always existed
from the years,
When my ancestros lived
they took care of you

you were,      
the most important    
they used your resources  
they didn´t squander you
you meant life for them. 

You have given everything of you
the fruits of your fields
the shelter to the animals

you have quietly been opening,  
your arms
giving the best things of you. 

What are we doing today?
We destroyed your rivers
your trees, your nature
we don´t take care of you
we need your waters,    
your life.
What will it be in some years? 
What will happen     
with the animals?    
They will die      
by the lack of protection.
When will I take care of you
as my ancestros did?
When will I give you    
the best of me     
that you deserve
to continue to live?

You will always be there  
but the birds will not       
sing the same glad song
the children will not    
play between the trees     
the fish will not
be able to swim in the waters
the animals and the humans   
will die     
they will not find     
anything good    
in your waters, your pure air
your flowers in the fields,  
the animals jumping in the nature
we will not find any happiness.   

When will I take care
of you,     
as my ancestros did?

September, 2007   

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